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Open Letter from UCCA by Major Deepak Rao

From the Desk of UCCA

To The Indian Forces – Chiefs/DGPs/Force Commanders/COs/Commandants/Directors of Training Academies & Centers

SUBJECT: Let us do away with outdated WW2 Training & Replace it with modern urban Close Combat Trg, researched indigenously in our soil -within Indian forces!


in the seat of power, BUREAUCRATS, FORCE CHIEFS, POLICE CHIEFS, Commanding Officers of Special Forces, Special Units, Commandants of Training Academies & Institutions. – IN THE INTEREST OF OUR COUNTRY


In the interest of National Soil, for whom my father has fought as a FREEDOM FIGHTER, I request your attention. This letter should reach the right people, so that the right steps may be taken to weed out the terror bug that threatens our existence.

Every day, we hear news of Terror -26 Nov 2008 Mumbai Terror – to current day Bomb Blasts – Hundreds dead, despite massive financial budgets for CT Training from National Treasury.

What is NEW? Its not just Landmines or IEDs. But FACE to FACE Combat at CLOSE QUARTER. Something called CQB – CLOSE QUARTER BATTLE. The Police &Paramilitary Forces train mostly in Long Distance warfare. Not in CQB. It’s a new subject. That’s why we are failing… Like Bed bugs, the Terrorists are creating havoc by biting at close quarters.

2. KASAB was HIGHLY TRAINED in CQB with Ordinary Weapons of War!

Kasab & his buddies were armed with ordinary AK-47 & grenades, conventional weapons. But they were highly trained in Close Quarter Battle –CQB which is why they could hold Taj against hundreds of Our Indian Security Commandos for many days. Kasab was trained to shoot quickly, how to move & shoot at the same time (Advance & Shoot) & how to shoot along with his buddies (coordinated fire). Unlike this out of the Box training, Most of our Security forces just line up on the Range and shoot at the target. In our personal opinion, The methodology our security forces follow needs upgradation. That is why we are losing the battles against the Insurgents – This was also stated by the new Army Chief Gen VK Singh, in the Times of India, on taking over his new office.

3. NEW QRTs without NEWER training may NOT serve the CAUSE!

We have responded to 26/11 by establishing new QRTs but without subjecting them to newer & modern methodology of training. The QRTs are sent for training to various Training establishments which follow the same conventional methodology. So now we will have more forces to deal with, without serving the cause of improving combat efficiency.

4. Our fair skinned BLONDE Fascinations:

The British have been long kicked out of our Soil. But we are still stuck with their outdated WW II combat training methodology. No one is interested in changing what is been going on for many years. This change does not require funds, but inclination & proactive attitudes. We are more interested in procuring sophisticated weaponry, armour, gadgets but we fail to realize that of Equal importance is the need to CHANGE our training methodology. Its not only the weapons, but the training that decides the fate of battle & the destiny of battle.

We have now started calling Germans, Russians, Israelis to teach us the art of battle. How on earth can these blondes teach us to protect our own motherland, when they have no understanding of our situation, terrain or existent training? Its as if we wish to transfer our responsibility to some outside competent authority to ensure that we have taken necessary steps for modernizing training. We have to shed our fascination with these foreigners.


In India, there is a dedicated couple, CQB Specialists, who are passionately involved with modernization of CQB- Close Quarter Battle for 15 years – Major. Deepak Rao & Dr. S. Rao. They have trained over 15,000 personnel from Indian Army & Police under direct invitation of Force Chiefs as Guest Trainers. They are invited by Force/ Service Chiefs to impart modern CQB training for Army Special Forces, Commando Wing, Marine Commando, Black Cat, Garud Air Force Commando, NPA, Army Officers Trg Academy, etc.

The Home Minister Shri Chidambaramji has put on record their service to the soil in the area of combat training for CT ops in 2009.

They have received 2 Army Chief Citations in 2001 & 2005 for their efforts & research. They were felicitated and warded Army Chief Citation at ministry of Def in July 2010. Major Deepak Rao & spouse founded a new method of CQB & Combat Shooting (Rao System of Reflex Shooting) which has found its way into the Army training curriculum, displacing old British WW II methods. Gen VK Singh had ordered it into the Eastern Command Battle Schools & Gen Deepak Kapoor ordered it into the Northern Command. Thus lakhs of soldiers deployed in CI Ops now undergo induction in this System of Reflex Fire. Totally indigenous. Not imitation of western methodology, but above it & better than it.

The Raos: Major Deepak Rao & spouse have used up their life’s earnings to put their research in CQB into a book – Encyclopedia of CQB- The first book of its kind in the world. This book was produced ONLY for Indian forces using their lifetime earnings & was distributed free by the Raos to MHA (Home Ministry). It was gratefully accepted into FBI Library & Interpol Libraries. Their second book Commando Manual of UA Combat was distributed by Indian Army Chief Gen VK Singh to all Units of Army. Their third Book Forces Handbook of World Insurgency is again targeted for Indian forces. All these books distributed free in National Interest.

The Raos: Major Deepak Rao & spouse have braved many hardships and survived random fire, traveled high altitudes, inhospitable terrains to do selfless service in CQB for the country. They have over 1000 letters of Appreciations from Army Generals, DG CPOs, DGPs State & CPs City Police to their credits. They have recvd the World Peace Award for their work from World Peace Congress (UN Affiliate) in 2008. All OF THEIR 15 year work is WITHOUT COMPENSATION. As a Service to the country. OUR Country.


Following 26/11 The Raos: Major Deepak Rao & spouse put their research into the book ENCYCLOPEDIA of CQB which was distributed by MHA & Gen VK Singh.

“I am an Indian. I wish to serve my country. My father fought for Indian Freedom Movement. We all want to save it from the nefarious threat of terror. MODERNIZATION of CQB TRAINING is the key to fighting terror. For this we don’t need British, Israeli, Americans or Germans. We have the best within our country – The Rao Couple, with a 15 year record! We are willing to offer our services without compensation for the betterment of the country”

7. OPEN CHALLENGE: Find anyone in the world with better credentials in CQB

We have the reputation of Selfless Service in modernization for 15 years. We have the achievement of changing the old British Reflex Shooting & CQB curriculum in the Army (NC & EC) under order of Gen VK Singh. We wrote the first Encyclopedia of CQB. We have experience of training many & every Special Force in India over 15 years – NSG, Commando Wing, Para Commando SF, MARCOS, GARUD, NPA, Corps Battle Schools, Metro Police, State Police…. Name it, we have done it. Our Book Encyclopedia of CQB has been welcomed by Interpol Chief, FBI Director Robert Muller & US SWAT & Police Chiefs all over the world. World Peace Award for Service to Country. US Hall of Fame Outstanding Law Enforcement Instructor of Year Award. Army Chief Citation 2001. And 2005. And 2010. With all humility – we are authorities in CQB training!


We write to highest offices for one reason. NOT for Money. NOT for NATIONAL AWARD. Actually, We deserve National Honor the most. But we were never considered. Actors, Cricketers, Singers, Doctors & all of those who topped their field & made a lot of money for themselves get awards. We never took a paisa from the country, Yet We could change British CQB – Reflex Shooting methodology for Army Training curriculum. We were first to modernize CQB in every Indian Forces. First in the world to write ENCYLOPEDIA Of CQB. First to write COMMANDO MANUAL of UAC for use of Military.

We don’t want anything. But we write to you becos We have the required expertise that you are looking for. We are using that expertise peripherally to serve forces in personal capacity.

Look at our individual efforts. More than 15,000 trained by directly approaching force Chiefs. What if you encourage this to spread centrally? We are ready to do SERVICE in MODERNIZATION of CQB training. FREE. Without compensation. For 15 more years…


We have already modernized the British WW II Shooting & CQB methodology for the Army under invite of Gen VK Singh. Now we wish to modernize CQB– CT Trg for our Police/ CPOs

We wish to continue to TRAIN the newer Police QRTs of CPOs, Commando Forces & of prominent Indian Special Forces. We wish to continue our Modernization of the CQB Training for various Indian Forces & Training Centers

If you think Our work merits attention – DON’T give us a National Award. You may reserve it for Actors & Cricketers who entertain the Nation. We want to help in protecting it, without demanding anything. Not our Fee. Not Recognition. But help us in serving the country by encouraging our training, which has no personal motive, except to contribute to the country. This can easily be understood by those who have intact patriotic sentiments preserved for our won country.

10. CONCLUSIONS: MODERNIZE CQB TRG FOR Indian Forces, Battalions, Units, Academies & Training Centers

We are committed to ONLY one thing – Helping in Modernization of Urban & Jungle Close Combat Ops ….only for our Indian Forces. For this we have given nearly two decades of our life, travelled wide & far to every nook & corner of our Indian special forces & elite units, under invite of Service Chiefs & DGs of CPOs & helped the process of modenization of CQB by weeding out outdated training of our British autocratic rule.

Let us not be awe struck by the west. They have forever proven wrong in all that they propagated – from spelling “Color” as “Colour”, placing the Bread/ Roti plate on the left side of the dinner plate while eating with right hand, Mathematical Calculations starting from right side towards the left- counting penny’s over pounds!! even today, the blonde ideology is to lift the rifle up against gravity to shoot & to send all troops into the same one room for room clearing when it is common knowledge that only one person can enter via a doorway at a time. The Indians gave the world the ZERO, the earliest surgery by SHUSHRUTA, the Footruler, writing Ink, Pythogarous theorem, Diamonds as precious stones, Concept of Atom, the Radio & Radio waves (Jagdish Chandra Bose) & a never ending list…..

We are proud patriotic Indians, now offering you our modern methodology, our research receiving 3 Army Chief Citations & gone into Army Corps battle School curriculums, Our authored books – the First Encyclopedia of Close Combat in the world distributed by MHA & first Commando UAC Manual in the world distributed by Army Chief. WE WISH TO EXTEND OUR HAND IN SHARING OUR EXPERTISE WITH INDIAN FORCES and help with modernization. FREE OF BENEFITS, without commercial gains – as a Selfless service to the country …continuing service of last 18 years, in modern innovative Close Quarter battle training.

Those Officials in the govt, IAS, IPS, Bureaucrats, Ministers, Force Chiefs who are Men of logic- objectivity- intelligence. I request you to help us continue our good work. By Training the newer Units in various Indian Forces – Police, ATS, Special Forces, Infantry, Training Centers & Establishments, Other Academies & Centers some of which which have been newly raised by Center, equipped & outfitted by spending huge amount of money from our National treasury. Let us drop our ego of believing that our existing training is superior and needs no upgradation, but cooperate with each other in our common greater goal, to secure our country from those who wish to vandalize it. Help us in helping to protect the country. Our Country…

You can get in touch with us. Contact us.

Respects & Regards

Major. Deepak Rao

Director, UCCA

Pioneers in CQB Training for Indian Forces