Terrorism of the 21st Century
As early as 1848, Karl Heinzen, a German democrat wrote of the use of poison and explosives for mass destruction. Asian countries are hoarding nuclear weapons in an effort to control the power balance in the continent. Countries elsewhere are producing chemical & biological weaponry. The terrorists of the future might obtain and use these weapons. These weapons require less manpower for their use and kill in ratios of hundreds. With advancing technology & heavy funding available, the countries involved in proxy war might employ these weapons on their rival countries under the guise of terrorism. Thus the terrorism of the future is like a horrifying reality crystallizing from today’s science fiction.
Chemical Weapons
- In 1915, Chlorine was used by the Germans in World war I ,in the ‘Y-press’ battle which left 5000 dead. In 1915, the Allies in World War 1 used poison gas in Belgium. In 1916, mustard gas was used causing blistering of the skin and the eyes. Chlorine and Phosgene were used which caused Choking, pulmonary edema, blistering of skin & lungs. Mustard, HCN were also used.
- 5-12 lakh died in the war of gas casualties. In World War 2, no chemicals were used, for the fear of retaliation.
- After WW1 Nerve gases like Tabun, Sarin, Soman which were Organo Phosphorus compounds causing Neuro Muscular blockade, coma and death were used. The G series of gases enter through the respired air & the V family enter through the skin and cause instantaneous death. Gases of VX series enter through the skin and respired air causing quick respiratory failure were prepared.
- In 1983 Iraq used mustard gas on Iran. In 1985 – 1987 Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussain used mustard gas on the Kurds.
- The most horrifying recent episode of chemical warfare is of Aum Shinri Kyo, a Jap group who placed containers of Sarin gas on 5 trains in the Tokyo underground rail network on Mar 20 1995. The casualties were 12 dead, 5500 injured. The leader Shoko Asahara confessed in 1997.
- Other Chemical (non Gaseous) weapons are 1. Liquids (in droplets) – Prussic acid, Arsenic, Strychinine OR Aerosol, though it is not very effective OR Mortar shells/Artillery shells containing chemicals OR Crash a truck load of chemicals into a building.
Biological Weapons
• In 1400, Anthrax was used by the Tartars in Ukraine • In 1760, the British commanders allegedly gave blankets infected by Small Pox to the North American Indians (in UK Military Hospitals). During World War 1, the Germans used Cholera in Italy.
• In 1937, the Japanese dropped Plague infested fleas grains over Chinese cities and on Chinese POWs.
• In 1937, In Iraq, UNSCOM discovered Germ stockpile installations created by Saddam Hussein
• In 1937, In Libya & Middle East, there were hidden installations underground which can be converted into harmless Pharmaceutical Company within 24 hrs
• In 1970, RICIN, a biological toxin agent was used for assassination
• The Russians caused an Anthrax accident which resulted in an epidemic. • In Oregon, in the Rajneesh ashram, 750 people were fed contaminated salads with S.Typhi. Ma Sheila Anand was arrested
Other agents used are • Plague (Yersemia Pestis) • Ebola viruses (apes) • Lassa fever • Legionnaires disease • Creutzfeld Jakobs (Mad Cow disease) • Salmonella, Botulinium, Staph Entero toxin B • Botulinum toxin is a thousand times more poisonous than sarin and cheaper to produce.
One ounce of anthrax spores can infect 75000 people within an hour in an enclosed area. Bacteria are preferred over virusesl as viral cultivation is a difficult process. Biological agents are easy to produce, difficult to detect, are cheap, can cause economic damage by destroying crops, are panic generating and can cause casualties.
Counter Measures are via Immunization, use of gas masks and protective clothing, and via decontamination processes and by treatment of the infected.
Radiological Weapon is any weapon or RDD designed to spread radioactive material with intent to kill (also known as dirty bomb or salted bomb)
• It uses conventional explosives to spread radioactive material commonly spent fuel from nuclear power plant or radioactive medical waste.
• It does not rely on any special or specific weapon, but on spreading contamination via food chain or water table.
Nuclear Weapons – The Atom Bomb
Chemical weapons depend upon weather (eg.rain) whereas Nuclear weapons do not. The atom bomb is easily made by studying material from the internet. It only
1. requires 2.5 kg Plutonium/Uranium 2. and a core made easily by Plutonium oxide crystals in the center of a large cube of Semtex 3. It weighs only 1000kgs (1 ton), and hence 4. requires truck or aircraft for transport.
The Nuclear Black Market makes making the core easy.
A 10 kilo ton device (Plutonium Basic) will cause 1 lakh casualties in a major city. A Thermo nuclear device costs only 20 lakhs. The KGB had prepared luggage nukes, suitcases of nuclear bombs to sabotage enemy centres in war. Legal purchases were made from abroad via the Russian Ministry of Atomic energy OR via small time smuggling of Plutonium into the country. (terrorists substitute Plutonium for Cesium –137)
• In 1976, Bombs were thrown on an atomic reactor in Lemoniz Atomic Station, France by the Spainish ETA. • In 1982, The African National Congress sabotaged 2 South African nuclear plants in Africa. • In 1995, Terrorists blew transmission cables of a nuclear plant in Philippines causing sabotage of reactor – no direct casualties but ecological damage. • In Chechnya Terrorists threatened to turn Soviet Union into a desert by radio active waste & sent a sample of it to Police in a dustbin • Attempts to acquire Nuclear material and design information by Al Qaeda have been documented.
WMD harms both friends & enemies likewise and is a nonselective destruction.
Asian countries are hoarding nuclear weapons in an effort to control the power balance in the continent. Countries else where are producing chemical and biological weapons. Apocalyptical and Islamic terrorist groups use collective and indiscriminate violence. They firmly believe that they are divinely ordained to commit violent acts and engage in mass casualty & mass catastrophic terrorism. These terrorists of the future might obtain and use these weapons of mass destruction, as these weapons require less manpower for their use and kill in ratios of hundreds. With advancing technology and heavy funding available, the countries involved in proxy war might employ these weapons on their rival countries under the guise of terrorism. Thus the terrorism of the future seems like a horrifying reality crystallizing from today’s science fiction.